YOUR journey lies through the chaos of the sea. 
YOUR pathway among the many waters.
 YOUR footprints shall not be discovered.

VUC  Psalm 76:1 In finem, pro Idithun. Psalmus Asaph.

DRA  Psalm 76:1 Unto the end, for Idithun, a psalm of Asaph

2 Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi; voce mea ad Deum, et intendit mihi.

2 I cried to the Lord with my voice; to God with my voice, and he gave ear to me.

3 In die tribulationis meae Deum exquisivi; manibus meis nocte contra eum, et non sum deceptus. Renuit consolari anima mea;

 4 memor fui Dei, et delectatus sum, et exercitatus sum, et defecit spiritus meus.

 5 Anticipaverunt vigilias oculi mei; turbatus sum, et non sum locutus.

 6 Cogitavi dies antiquos, et annos aeternos in mente habui.

 7 Et meditatus sum nocte cum corde meo, et exercitabar, et scopebam spiritum meum.

 8 Numquid in aeternum projiciet Deus? aut non apponet ut complacitior sit adhuc?

 9 aut in finem misericordiam suam abscindet, a generatione in generationem?

 10 aut obliviscetur misereri Deus? aut continebit in ira sua misericordias suas?

 11 Et dixi: Nunc coepi; haec mutatio dexterae Excelsi.

 12 Memor fui operum Domini, quia memor ero ab initio mirabilium tuorum:

 13 et meditabor in omnibus operibus tuis, et in adinventionibus tuis exercebor.

 14 Deus, in sancto via tua: quis deus magnus sicut Deus noster?

 15 Tu es Deus qui facis mirabilia: notam fecisti in populis virtutem tuam.

 16 Redemisti in brachio tuo populum tuum, filios Jacob et Joseph.

 17 Viderunt te aquae, Deus; viderunt te aquae, et timuerunt: et turbatae sunt abyssi.

 18 Multitudo sonitus aquarum; vocem dederunt nubes. Etenim sagittae tuae transeunt;

 19 vox tonitrui tui in rota. Illuxerunt coruscationes tuae orbi terrae; commota est, et contremuit terra.

 20 In mari via tua, et semitae tuae in aquis multis, et vestigia tua non cognoscentur.

 21 Deduxisti sicut oves populum tuum, in manu Moysi et Aaron.


. 3 In the day of my trouble I sought God, with my hands lifted up to him in the night, unceasingly My soul refused to be comforted:

 4 I remembered God, and was delighted, and was exercised, and my spirit swooned away.

 5 My eyes prevented the watches: I was troubled, and I spoke not.

 6 I thought upon the days of old: and I had in my mind the eternal years.

 7 And I meditated in the night with my own heart: and I was exercised and I swept my spirit.

 8 Will God then cast off for ever? or will he never be more favourable again?

 9 Or will he cut off his mercy for ever, from generation to generation?

 10 Or will God forget to shew mercy? or will he in his anger shut up his mercies?

 11 And I said, Now have I begun: this is the change of the right hand of the most High.

 12 I remembered the works of the Lord: for I will be mindful of thy wonders from the beginning.

 13 And I will meditate on all thy works: and will be employed in thy inventions.

 14 Thy way, O God, is in the holy place: who is the great God like our God?

 15 Thou art the God that dost wonders. Thou hast made thy power known among the nations:

 16 With thy arm thou hast redeemed thy people the children of Jacob and of Joseph.

 17 The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee: and they were afraid, and the depths were troubled.

 18 Great was the noise of the waters: the clouds sent out a sound. For thy arrows pass:

 19 The voice of thy thunder in a wheel. Thy lightnings enlightened the world: the earth shook and trembled.

 20 Thy way is in the sea, and thy paths in many waters: and thy footsteps shall not be known.

 21 Thou hast conducted thy people like sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.




Psalm 77: I Will Remember
Words and music by Bethany Breland
Performed by Kenwood Music 

10,653 views / Oct 15, 2017 /MIN 4:35 **


Psalm 77 Hymn "I cry aloud to God and He will hear me"
Psalm Musicals - Christian Music Channel 

1,112 views / Mar 4, 2022 /MIN 5:19 ***

Psalm 77 (Lyric Video) | 20schemes music

5,589 views / Jan 7, 2022 /MIN 5:06 ****

Words © 'Sing Psalms' New Metrical Versions of the Book of Psalms 2017
Tune Glencairn C.M. T.L. Hately, 1815-67
Arrangement by Sol Fenne
Video by Carlie Fenne

Psalm 77 x The Chosen Season 3 x Meditation

Reading to musical and video background **
19,062 views  Feb 14, 2023

~Sons Of Korah ~ Psalm 77a ~

1,241 views / Jun 20, 2020 / MIN 2:41
PSALM 77:1-9 (NASB)  ****

~ Sons of Korah ~ Psalm 77b ~

1,606 views  Jun 21, 2020 /MIN 4:14
PSALM 77:10-11(KJV)

Psalm 77 song - I Cried Out to God
Karen Gibson

692 views  Jun 3, 2021 /MIN 3:45
This song of lament and praise from Psalm 77 was written out of a long season of darkness and grief.
Text is in the footnotes if viewed in YouTube 

Poor Bishop Hooper - Psalm 77 (EveryPsalm)

3,636 views / Jun 16, 2021  / MIN 3:34
Text available in CC

Psalm 77: Voce mea ad Dominum
Tim Smith

327 views  Apr 8, 2021
Psalm 77 chanted in the Sarum Use by Sarah James

Nine hundred years ago, the Cathedral of Salisbury, England developed a unique form of chant and liturgy known as the “Use of Salisbury,” or “Sarum Use.” Differences from the Roman rite are both melodic (more florid in the Sarum) and textual (Elizabethan English rather than Latin). The best repository of Sarum Use tones is the St. Dunstan's Plainsong Psalter, from which Sarah has sung this psalm. Additional resources on Sarum Use plainsong at https://canticasacra.org
