O Lord, I call on you, hurry to my help:  listen to my voice when I call.

PSALM 140:1-9
Dómine, clamávi ad te, ad me festína;*   inténde voci meæ, cum clamo ad te.

Psalm 141, "the Vesper Psalm," prominent in the history of the vespers in both East and West, appropriately begins the Four Week Psalter. In the Byzantine tradition it is included as a part of every Vespers accompanied by the incensing of the whole church, icons and people.

On the left are suggestions for season variation in the music; this psalm is a good candidate for the many occasions during the year when psalms may be substituted.


Paschal time:

Psalm 141, "Like Burning Incense, O Lord"
Tony Alonso - Topic

8,869 views / Jan 28, 2017


October, November 

Holden Evening Prayer - Psalm 141

Holy Cross Music -- Kearney

"This is Psalm 141 and is sung in a round or canon. The congregation will sing the 'echo' part. In the sheet music in the video, I follow along with the mouse (which looks like a little hand)"


August, September.

Psalmody: Psalm 141

Paul Inwood - Topic


June, July

Psalmody: Psalm 141
Camaldolese Monks OSB - Topic



Let My Prayer Rise Up - Psalm 141

 Liturgical Dance - Holden Evening Prayer



Psalm 141: Domine, clamavi ad te, exaudi me
Tim Smith

Nine hundred years ago, the Cathedral of Salisbury, England developed a unique form of chant and liturgy known as the “Use of Salisbury,” or “Sarum Use.” Differences from the Roman rite are both melodic (more florid in the Sarum) and textual (Elizabethan English rather than Latin). The best repository of Sarum Use tones is the St. Dunstan's Plainsong Psalter, from which Sarah has sung this psalm. Additional resources on Sarum Use plainsong at


St. Francis Evening Prayer (Lucernarium) : Interlude: Psalm 141
Michael Joncas - Topic


Learn to SING Psalm 141 ( Golden Hill )
The Psalms Sung


Let My Prayer Arise
Archangel Voices - Topic

21,354 views / Sep 18, 2015


Psalm 141: Let My Prayer Rise Up
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
