I will sing of kindness and justice –
  to you, Lord, will I sing

PSALM 100:1-8
Misericórdiam et iudícium cantábo;*
  tibi, Dómine, psallam.

1Misericórdiam et iudícium cantábo;*
  tibi, Dómine, psallam.
2Intéllegam in via immaculáta;*
  quando vénies ad me?
Perambulábo in innocéntia cordis mei,*
  in médio domus meæ.
3Non propónam ante óculos meos rem iniústam,†
  faciéntem prævaricatiónes ódio habébo,*
  non adhærébit mihi.
4Cor pravum recédet a me,*
  malígnum non cognóscam.
5Detrahéntem secréto próximo suo,*
  hunc cessáre fáciam;
supérbum óculo et inflátum corde,*
  hunc non sustinébo.
6Oculi mei ad fidéles terræ, ut sédeant mecum;*
  qui ámbulat in via immaculáta, hic mihi ministrábit.
7Non habitábit in médio domus meæ, qui facit supérbiam;*
  qui lóquitur iníqua, non stabit in conspéctu oculórum meórum.
8In matutíno cessáre fáciam omnes peccatóres terræ,*
  ut dispérdam de civitáte Dómini omnes operántes iniquitátem.

Psalm 101 KJV song sung by Michael E. Owens

Psalm 101 "My Song Shall Be of Mercy and Judgement"

Poor Bishop Hooper - Psalm 101 (EveryPsalm)

Test below the YouTube Video

Psalm 101 My Eyes Shall Be Upon The Faithful Of The Land
 Janet Isaac Morrison Songs from Bible Scriptures 

🎤 Psalm 101 Song - I Will
3:05 min 5K visits, insufficient contrast between text and background
winter scene; more movement in melody than usual

He Blesses My Soul - Psalm 101 Tim Carter
3:43 min 9k poor textual presentation, deep country music

Janet Isaac Morrison
3:28 min 100 views recent
has done better, manipulation of words to fit rhythm; detracts from wording

196. Of mercy and of justice (Psalm 101) From the blue 1959/1976 CRC Psalter Hymnal
2:57 min 1K views, poor contrast of text with image not a very good sound recording

Psalm 101: My Song Shall Be of Mercy and Judgement · Lincoln Cathedral Choir
2:46 min 123 views

chris kopko
3:29 min 600+ views, very simple and straight forward, text readable

Michael E. Owens - Topic

Howie Campbell
2:21 min 80 views

Sing Full PSALM 101 KJV "I Will Set No Wicked Thing Before Mine Eyes" A Psalm of David
odd more contrived than original

Psalm 101 "My Song Shall Be of Mercy and Judgement" · Wakefield Cathedral Choir
#;02 137 views the best because of diction and dynamics

King James Version of Psalm 101 song sung in acapella by the Michael E. Owens from the album male harmony good, words clear

My song shall be of mercy (Psalm: Anglican chant) - Guildford Cathedral Choir
4:03 min 3k views